
This blog will include tips and tricks to solving common issues in your environment along with information on new products that you might not have heard of, but should know. As for the name of the newsletter, Loose Spindle, those of you who know me, know that I can go off on tangents, and seem to live outside the proverbial box. Also I have a background that includes being an engineer working with storage, thus the name. Please forward this to anyone you think would be interested by using the link below, and also please contact me Morgan.Hamilton@inxi.com, I want to be your "easy button" when you have questions..

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

VMware iPad App for View - Finally

It has only been about a year since Citrix released their iPad app to connect to the VDI mother ship, and about the same amount of time has passed since LogMeIn's Ignition iPad app let you connect to your home computer. Now VMware has released their free app for the iPad to allow you to connect to your VMware View infrastructure. The app is free, however you must have a VMware View server available to connect. Hopefully in the near future we'll see some stats on bandwidth, experience, etc. See the video below for a demo:

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hitachi Global Storage Technologies bought by Western Digital - How Does It Affect HDS?

Today I read that Hitachi Global Storage Technologies was being bought by Western Digital. This new in and of itself is not huge in our current M&A landscape, however how it could affect one of the core tenants of Hitachi Limited's presence in IT, Hitachi Data Systems (HDS), is interesting at the least. HDS includes hardware and software around enterprise storage. Most notably, SANs. These just aren't any SANs these are "big iron" used in applications and environments where it is not uncommon for there to be dedicated SAN engineers to do the care and feeding (think engine oiler on a WWII Navy ship). What makes the scenario interesting is the fact that HDS hangs their hat on the fact that they control quality and price by manufacturing not just the chassis, but also the drives. This technically will not be the case moving forward as HGST is not retaining any of the naming, and it will all be Western Digital branded.